
MedPrompt+でプロンプトをChatGPTに入力した場合、精度が90%を超えたらしい。さらに、最近話題のGemini Ultraよりも精度が高くなったのだとか。

- Dynamic few-shot selection:k-NNで抽出された回答例をいくつか示す手法
- Self-generated chain of thought:GPT-4に思考の連鎖の例を自動作成させる手法
- Choice shuffle ensembling:複数の回答選択肢をシャッフルして、最も可能性の高い答えを選ぶ手法


また、Medpromptは、電気工学、機械学習、哲学、会計、法律、心理学など、さまざまな専門分野でも有効であることが示されています。さらに、MMLUというベンチマークでの精度は、最近話題のGemini Ultraよりも高いことが分かりました。

→【Gemini Ultra 1.0 VS GPT-4】史上最強LLMの性能を比較したら普通にGPT-4の方がすごかった件
参考記事:Can Generalist Foundation Models Outcompete Special-Purpose Tuning? Case Study in Medicine

- 回答のテキストデータを入力し、各質問に対する思考の流れを生成させる
- 生成された回答を比較し、最も頻繁に出現する回答を最終的な回答として選択
Follow these steps to generate a response:
1. Preprocessing Phase
2. Inference Time
3. Answer Generation and Majority Vote
Preprocessing Phase:
"Here are several questions that need to be understood and answered. For each question, I want you to think aloud and write down your reasoning process that leads to your answer. If your answer is correct, remember your reasoning process as it will be used later to help solve similar questions."
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Inference Time:
"Now, I have a new question that I need help with. Please recall the reasoning processes from earlier questions that you got right and use that understanding to help think through this new question. The goal is to use similar reasoning to arrive at the correct answer."
Q. {質問}
Answer Generation and Majority Vote:
"Generate the answer to this new question and explain your reasoning. Repeat this process several times, each time considering different perspectives or information that might be relevant. After several attempts, review your answers and determine which one you arrived at most often; that will be the final answer."
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
Q. {質問}, A. {回答}
そして、Inference Timeのところの、以下の部分で「本当に質問したいこと」を書いてください。
Q. {質問}
ここでは、「Street Drinking in Japan(路上飲酒)は良いか悪いか」についての質問をしてみましょう。プロンプトは、以下の通りです。
Follow these steps to generate a response:
1. Preprocessing Phase
2. Inference Time
3. Answer Generation and Majority Vote
Preprocessing Phase:
"Here are several questions that need to be understood and answered. For each question, I want you to think aloud and write down your reasoning process that leads to your answer. If your answer is correct, remember your reasoning process as it will be used later to help solve similar questions."
Q. {Cool performance}, A. {Good}
Q. {Very noisy room}, A. {Bad}
Q. {Fast sports car}, A. {Good}
Q. {Outdated fashion}, A. {Bad}
Inference Time:
"Now, I have a new question that I need help with. Please recall the reasoning processes from earlier questions that you got right and use that understanding to help think through this new question. The goal is to use similar reasoning to arrive at the correct answer."
Q. {Street Drinking in Japan}
Answer Generation and Majority Vote:
"Generate the answer to this new question and explain your reasoning. Repeat this process several times, each time considering different perspectives or information that might be relevant. After several attempts, review your answers and determine which one you arrived at most often; that will be the final answer."
Preprocessing Phase
Understanding and Reasoning Process
Question: {Cool performance}, Answer: {Good}
Reasoning: The term "cool" generally has a positive connotation, implying something impressive or appealing. In the context of a performance, if it's described as "cool," it suggests that it's enjoyable or praiseworthy. Therefore, "Good" is a suitable response.
Question: {Very noisy room}, Answer: {Bad}
Reasoning: "Very noisy" tends to have negative connotations, especially when referring to a room. It implies discomfort, disturbance, or an unpleasing environment. Thus, categorizing this as "Bad" aligns with the general negative perception of excessive noise in a space meant for living or working.
Question: {Fast sports car}, Answer: {Good}
Reasoning: The phrase "fast sports car" carries positive connotations for many, often associated with luxury, high performance, and desirability. The emphasis on speed and the sports car aspect generally aligns with positive attributes in the context of automobiles. Hence, "Good" is a fitting response.
Question: {Outdated fashion}, Answer: {Bad}
Reasoning: "Outdated" typically implies something no longer in style or not keeping up with current trends. In the context of fashion, which heavily relies on trends and modernity, being outdated is usually seen as a negative. Therefore, responding with "Bad" reflects this common perception.
Inference Time
New Question Analysis
Question: {Street Drinking in Japan}
To approach this question, we need to apply similar reasoning as in the preprocessing phase. This involves assessing the connotations and implications of the phrase "Street Drinking in Japan."
In many cultures, public drinking might be seen negatively, suggesting disorder or inappropriate behavior. This perspective would lean towards a "Bad" response.
However, in Japan, street drinking is not as frowned upon as it might be in other countries. It's often seen as part of social culture, especially during festivals or outdoor events. This understanding would suggest a "Good" response, as it aligns more with the cultural acceptance and practice in Japan.
Answer Generation and Majority Vote
Perspective 1: Considering public drinking as generally inappropriate – Answer: Bad
Perspective 2: Acknowledging the cultural context of Japan, where street drinking is more acceptable and part of the social fabric – Answer: Good
Final Answer: After considering both perspectives, it seems more appropriate to lean towards "Good" for the specific context of "Street Drinking in Japan." This is because the cultural context and practices in Japan play a crucial role in how such an activity is perceived, and in this context, it's not seen as negatively as it might be in other cultures.
ファイナルアンサーのところを確認すると、「両方の視点を考慮した結果、”日本における路上飲酒 “は、”Good “であると思われる。というのも、日本における文化的背景や慣習が重要な役割を果たしており、この文脈では、他の文化圏で見られるような否定的な見方はされないからである。」とあり、日本における路上飲酒を良しとした結果が返ってきました。
The question of whether street drinking in Japan is "good" or "bad" can be complex, as it depends on various cultural, social, and legal perspectives. If I were to choose one, I would say that street drinking in Japan is generally considered to be a culturally accepted practice, and in many ways, it can be seen as a positive aspect of Japanese society.
In Japan, the practice of street drinking, especially during festivals, cherry blossom viewing (hanami), and other social gatherings, is quite common. This is partly because Japan has relatively lenient laws regarding public consumption of alcohol compared to some other countries. Here are a few reasons why this aspect of Japanese culture might be viewed positively:
Social Harmony and Respect: Japanese culture places a high value on social harmony and respect for others. Even when drinking in public, most people are mindful of their behavior, aiming to avoid causing inconvenience or disturbance to others. This level of social consciousness helps maintain a pleasant environment for everyone.
Outdoor Socialization: Street drinking often accompanies outdoor activities and social gatherings, fostering a sense of community and togetherness. It's a way for people to enjoy each other's company in a relaxed setting, especially during pleasant weather or special events.
Economic and Touristic Appeal: Festivals and outdoor events where street drinking is common can have a positive economic impact, attracting tourists and supporting local businesses.
Cultural Tradition: Practices like hanami (cherry blossom viewing) where people drink and enjoy food under cherry blossom trees are deeply ingrained in Japanese culture and are seen as a celebration of nature and beauty.
However, it's important to note that while this perspective views street drinking in a positive light, excessive or irresponsible drinking, leading to public disturbances, littering, or health risks, is generally frowned upon in any culture. Japanese society values moderation and respect for public spaces, so these factors play a crucial role in maintaining the acceptability of street drinking.
Inference Time and Answer Generation for "Street Drinking in Japan"
Attempt 1 (considering legality):
Previous Q&A: "Fast sports car" was associated with "Good" because it offers positive attributes like speed and excitement. Conversely, "Outdated fashion" was associated with "Bad" due to its lack of novelty and potential social awkwardness.
Reasoning: Street drinking in Japan is legal, and legal acts are generally seen as acceptable or good.
Answer: Street drinking in Japan could be considered Good from a legal standpoint.
Attempt 2 (considering social perception):
Previous Q&A: "Very noisy room" was associated with "Bad" due to its negative impact on comfort and peace of mind.
Reasoning: Drinking in public can be disruptive or cause noise depending on the setting and behavior.
Answer: Street drinking in Japan could be considered Bad if it disturbs others or violates social norms.
Attempt 3 (considering cultural context):
Previous Q&A: "Cool performance" was associated with "Good" because it evokes positive emotions and admiration.
Reasoning: Street drinking is a common practice in Japan, especially during festivities, and can be viewed as a casual and enjoyable social activity.
Answer: Street drinking in Japan could be considered Good within the context of its cultural acceptance and potential for social bonding.
Majority Vote and Final Answer:
After considering different perspectives, the answers "Good" and "Bad" each appeared twice, while "Good" from a cultural context appeared once. Therefore, the most frequent conclusion is that street drinking in Japan can be both Good and Bad depending on the specific circumstances and perspective.
It's important to note that the evaluation of street drinking involves various factors beyond legality, such as social etiquette, cultural acceptance, and individual preferences. Therefore, a nuanced understanding is crucial rather than a simplistic "good" or "bad" label.
This process demonstrates how previous learning can be applied to new situations with similar reasoning patterns. By considering different perspectives and evaluating the most frequent conclusions, we can arrive at a more comprehensive and informed understanding of complex issues.
→【Doodle Your 3D】雑なラフ絵を精巧な3DCGに変換できる神AIツール
- Dynamic few-shot selection:k-NNで抽出された回答例をいくつか示す手法
- Self-generated chain of thought:GPT-4に思考の連鎖の例を自動作成させる手法
- Choice shuffle ensembling:複数の回答選択肢をシャッフルして、最も可能性の高い答えを選ぶ手法

