【Reactive Resume】ChatGPTを使って履歴書を作成する方法!転職活動・就職活動で無双するハック術

Reactive Resumeは、ChatGPTの力で履歴書の作成、更新、共有のプロセスを簡素化する、無料のオープンソース履歴書作成ツールです。
Reactive Resumeを使えば、履歴書を数十のレイアウトから作成したり、独自のレイアウトで作成でき、ほとんどの作業はすべてChatGPTがアシストしてくれるので、非常に簡単に行えます。

この便利さが注目を呼び、Reactive ResumeのGitHubリポジトリにはなんと15,000超のいいねがついています。
今回は、Reactive Resumeの概要や使っていた感想をお伝えします。
Reactive Resumeの概要
Reactive Resumeは、ChatGPTの力で履歴書の作成、更新、共有のプロセスを簡素化する、無料のオープンソース履歴書作成ツールです。
Reactive Resumeを使えば、履歴書を数十のレイアウトから作成したり、独自のレイアウトで作成でき、ほとんど作業はすべてChatGPTがアシストしてくれるので、非常に簡単に行えます。
Reactive Resumeを使うと、以下のような履歴書が作成できます。

Reactive Resumeは完全無料のオープンソースツールですが、ChatGPTの力を借りるには自分のOpenAI API キーを設定する必要があり、OpenAI側で課金が発生する場合があるので、ご注意ください。
ここからは、実際にReactive Resumeを使用して、その使い勝手や性能についてお伝えします。
Reactive Resumeの使い方
Reactive Resumeの使い方は非常に簡単で、まず以下のリンクにアクセスします。
このような画面になるので、Get Startedをクリックしてアカウント登録とログインを行います。
ChatGPTの機能を使用するには、Settingsタブから、OpenAI Integrationの項目で自分のOpenAI API Keyを入力して設定してください。
Reactive Resumeを実際に使ってみた
先ほどの初期画面でCreate a new resumeをクリックすると、新たに履歴書を作成できます。
Reactive Resumeの推しポイントであるAI機能を使ってみた
Reactive Resumeで使えるAI機能は、Improve Writing、Fix Spelling & Grammer、Change Toneの3つで、主に文章の校正やトーンの変更を行ってくれます。
まずはSummaryの文章にImprove Writingを使用してみます。
先ほど作成した履歴書のSummaryをImprove Writingを使って修正します。
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a software engineer with expertise in various areas, including business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to notable projects such as the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I have consistently delivered high-quality results.
In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
I am highly proficient in Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.
I am committed to meeting quality standards and delivery deadlines, and I strongly value teamwork in my development approach.
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to notable projects, such as the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver high-quality results.
In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
I am highly proficient in Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting quality standards and delivery deadlines, I strongly value teamwork in my development approach.
次に、Fix Spelling & Grammerを使ってスペルと文法の修正を行います。
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to notable projects, such as the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver high-quality results.
In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
I am highly proficient in Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting quality standards and delivery deadlines, I strongly value teamwork in my development approach.
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to notable projects, such as the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver high-quality results.
In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
I am highly proficient in the Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting quality standards and delivery deadlines, I strongly value teamwork in my development approach.
「I am highly proficient in Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.」の部分が、
「I am highly proficient in the Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.」に修正されています。
最後にChange Toneを使って、文章のスタイルを変更してみましょう。
Change Toneには、Casual、Professional、Confident、Friendlyの4種類トーンが用意されています。
Hey there! I've been in the software engineering game for over 10 years, working for a major SIer.
My focus is on developing business applications, designing systems, and building them from the ground up.
I've had the pleasure of working on some pretty cool projects, like giving ○○ Insurance's business system a major makeover and creating a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
From start to finish, I'm all about delivering top-notch results, whether it's defining requirements, designing, programming, testing, or maintaining.
When it comes to system design, I'm all about making things scalable and easy to maintain. Java is my jam, and I'm no stranger to agile development.
Meeting quality standards and hitting deadlines is my thing, and I'm all about teamwork in my approach to development. Let's do this!
With over 10 years of experience working for a leading systems integrator (SIer), I am a highly skilled software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have made significant contributions to notable projects, including the successful revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire project lifecycle, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver exceptional results of the highest quality.
In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
My expertise lies in the Java programming language, and I have a strong background in agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting stringent quality standards and delivery deadlines, I place great emphasis on fostering teamwork in my development approach."
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a highly skilled software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to numerous notable projects, including the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a cutting-edge smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver exceptional results of the highest quality.
In system design, I excel at proposing innovative and scalable configurations that prioritize both scalability and maintainability. My expertise lies in the Java programming language, and I am well-versed in working with agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting and exceeding quality standards and delivery deadlines, I firmly believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration in achieving successful development outcomes.
With over 10 years of experience working for a major SIer, I am a friendly software engineer specializing in business application development, system design, and construction.
I have successfully contributed to notable projects, such as the revamp of ○○ Insurance's business system and the development of a smartphone app for △△ Bank.
Throughout the entire process, from requirement definition to basic design, programming, testing, and maintenance, I consistently deliver high-quality results. In system design, I excel at proposing redundant configurations that prioritize scalability and maintainability.
I am highly proficient in the Java programming language and have experience working with agile development methodologies.
Committed to meeting quality standards and delivery deadlines, I strongly value teamwork in my development approach.
今回の検証で、Reactive Resumeを使えば誰でも簡単に高品質な履歴書を作成できることが実証されました。
Reactive Resumeは、ChatGPTの力で履歴書の作成、更新、共有のプロセスを簡素化する、無料のオープンソース履歴書作成ツールです。
Reactive Resumeを使えば、履歴書を数十のレイアウトから作成したり、独自のレイアウトで作成でき、ほとんどの作業はすべてChatGPTがアシストしてくれるので、非常に簡単に行えます。

