
AIエージェント 会話 TinyTroupe Microsoft Pythonライブラリ




本記事では、TinyTroupeでどういったことができるのか、google colaboratoryでどのように実装するのかについて、詳しく解説します!

最後まで読めばgoogle colaboratoryでTinyTroupeを実装できるようになります。ぜひ最後までお読みください!











  • TinyPerson: 個性、興味、目標を持ち、刺激を受け、それに基づいて行動するエージェント
  • TinyWorld:エージェントが存在し、相互作用する環境












LLM API呼び出しのキャッシュ:同じ入力に対して以前の応答を再利用できるよう、LLM呼び出しをキャッシュに保存。これにより、同一の質問が繰り返しエージェントに送信された場合、前回の応答をキャッシュから取得することで、追加コストを抑えつつエージェントの一貫した応答が可能。









APIキーの用意ができれば、あとはgoogle colaboratoryで実装するだけ!ExamplesはGitHubに掲載されています。

google colaboratoryで実行した時の環境は以下で、GPUメモリを消費しないので、無料版のgoogle colaboratoryでも十分実装可能です。

Python 3.8以上

■システム RAM
2.1 / 53.0 GB

0 / 22.5 GB

32.7 / 112.6 GB


!git clone
%cd TinyTroupe
!pip install .
import os
from tinytroupe.examples import create_lisa_the_data_scientist

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your_api_key"
# エージェントを生成
lisa = create_lisa_the_data_scientist()
# エージェントにメッセージを送って、その応答を表示
response = lisa.listen_and_act("Tell me about your life.")

DISCLAIMER: TinyTroupe relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to generate content. 
The AI models are not perfect and may produce inappropriate or inacurate results. 
For any serious or consequential use, please review the generated content before using it.

Looking for default config on: /content/TinyTroupe/tinytroupe/config.ini
Failed to find custom config on: /content/TinyTroupe/config.ini
Will use only default values. IF THINGS FAIL, TRY CUSTOMIZING MODEL, API TYPE, etc.

Current TinyTroupe configuration 
api_type = openai
azure_api_version = 2023-05-15
model = gpt-4o
max_tokens = 4000
temperature = 0.3
freq_penalty = 0.0
presence_penalty = 0.0
timeout = 60
max_attempts = 5
waiting_time = 1
exponential_backoff_factor = 5
embedding_model = text-embedding-3-small
cache_api_calls = False
cache_file_name = openai_api_cache.pickle
max_content_display_length = 1024

rai_harmful_content_prevention = True
rai_copyright_infringement_prevention = True

loglevel = ERROR

          > Tell me about your life.
Lisa --> Lisa: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Lisa acts: [TALK] 
          > Hi! My name is Lisa. I'm 28 years old and I'm a data scientist from Canada. I work at
          > Microsoft in the M365 Search team, where I analyze user behavior and feedback data to
          > improve search results. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, playing the piano, and
          > watching movies.
Lisa --> Lisa: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Lisa acts: [DONE] 





from tinytroupe.examples import create_lisa_the_data_scientist, create_oscar_the_architect

# エージェントを生成
lisa = create_lisa_the_data_scientist()
oscar = create_oscar_the_architect()

# LisaからOscarへの質問とその応答
response_lisa = lisa.listen_and_act("Hi Oscar, can you tell me about your work?")
print("Lisa: ", response_lisa)

response_oscar = oscar.listen_and_act("I'm an architect. What do you do, Lisa?")
print("Oscar: ", response_oscar)

# さらに会話を続ける
response_lisa = lisa.listen_and_act("I'm a data scientist. I love finding patterns in data. How about you?")
print("Lisa: ", response_lisa)

response_oscar = oscar.listen_and_act("That's fascinating! I enjoy designing spaces that are functional and beautiful.")
print("Oscar: ", response_oscar)





from tinytroupe.factory import TinyPersonFactory

# 顧客役のエージェントを生成
factory = TinyPersonFactory("A focus group")
customer = factory.generate_person("Create a customer who is interested in eco-friendly products")

# 質問に応答させる
response = customer.listen_and_act("What do you think about our new eco-friendly product line?")




from tinytroupe.examples import advertisement_for_tv

# 広告に対するエージェントの反応をシミュレーション
feedback =




from tinytroupe.factory import TinyPersonFactory
import pandas as pd

# 顧客役のエージェントを生成
factory = TinyPersonFactory("A focus group")
customer = factory.generate_person("Create a customer who is interested in eco-friendly products")

# シミュレーション結果を収集するためのリストを準備
results = []

# シナリオを10回繰り返して実行
for i in range(10):
    response = customer.listen_and_act("How would you improve our eco-friendly product line?")
    results.append({"trial": i+1, "feedback": response})

# 結果をデータフレームに変換して表示
df = pd.DataFrame(results)





  1. 詳細なペルソナ設定
  • 年齢、職業、収入などの基本情報
  • 性格特性や興味関心
  • 課題やペインポイント
  • 生活スタイルや価値観
  1. 構造化された広告評価
  • 複数の評価観点(第一印象、興味度、価格妥当性、購入意向)
  • 定量的な5段階評価
  • 具体的な改善点の収集
  1. 包括的な分析
  • スコアの平均値算出
  • ターゲット層ごとの反応分析
  • 改善提案の集約
  • 総合的な推奨事項


  • ターゲット層ごとの反応の違い
  • 価格に対する感度の違い
  • 広告メッセージの効果
  • 改善が必要な点の特定
  • 最適なターゲット層の発見
from tinytroupe.agent import TinyPerson
from tinytroupe.environment import TinyWorld
from tinytroupe.factory import TinyPersonFactory
from tinytroupe.extraction import ResultsExtractor 
import json

# 仮想の広告コンテンツ(新しいスマートウォッチの例)
ad_content = {
    "product_name": "HealthWatch Pro",
    "title": "24時間365日、あなたの健康を見守る新しい相棒。",
    "description": """
    新登場のHealthWatch Proは、最新のAIテクノロジーを搭載した
    "price": "32,800円",
    "target_audience": "健康意識の高い20-50代",
    "selling_points": [
    "media_type": "Web広告、SNS広告",
    "campaign_duration": "2024年4月1日〜5月31日"

# ペルソナ定義(3つの異なるタイプ)
persona_definitions = [
        "description": "健康意識の高い30代会社員",
        "details": {
            "age": 34,
            "gender": "男性",
            "occupation": "IT企業プロジェクトマネージャー",
            "income": "年収650万円",
            "location": "東京都内",
            "family_structure": "既婚・子供なし",
            "traits": [
            "interests": [
            "pain_points": [
            "media_consumption": {
                "preferred_channels": ["Web", "YouTube", "LinkedIn"],
                "usage_frequency": "デジタルメディアを1日3時間以上利用"
            "purchase_behavior": {
                "price_sensitivity": "中〜高級価格帯なら品質重視",
                "decision_factors": ["機能性", "デザイン", "ブランド信頼性"]
        "description": "スポーツ好きな20代学生",
        "details": {
            "age": 22,
            "gender": "女性",
            "occupation": "大学生(体育学部)",
            "income": "アルバイト月収10万円程度",
            "location": "神奈川県",
            "family_structure": "実家暮らし",
            "traits": [
            "interests": [
            "pain_points": [
            "media_consumption": {
                "preferred_channels": ["Instagram", "TikTok", "YouTube"],
                "usage_frequency": "SNSは1日2時間以上"
            "purchase_behavior": {
                "price_sensitivity": "予算重視だが、欲しいものには投資",
                "decision_factors": ["見た目", "人気度", "価格"]
        "description": "健康に気遣う50代主婦",
        "details": {
            "age": 52,
            "gender": "女性",
            "occupation": "パートタイム(週3日)",
            "income": "世帯年収800万円",
            "location": "大阪府",
            "family_structure": "夫と大学生の子供2人",
            "traits": [
            "interests": [
            "pain_points": [
            "media_consumption": {
                "preferred_channels": ["テレビ", "LINE", "Yahoo!ニュース"],
                "usage_frequency": "テレビは毎日、ネットは時々"
            "purchase_behavior": {
                "price_sensitivity": "品質重視",
                "decision_factors": ["安全性", "使いやすさ", "アフターサポート"]

# 評価基準の定義
evaluation_criteria = {
    "metrics": [
            "name": "第一印象",
            "scale": 5,
            "weight": 1.0,
            "description": "広告を見た最初の印象"
            "name": "製品への興味",
            "scale": 5,
            "weight": 1.2,
            "description": "製品自体への興味度"
            "name": "価格の妥当性",
            "scale": 5,
            "weight": 1.5,
            "description": "価格に対する評価"
            "name": "購入意向",
            "scale": 5,
            "weight": 2.0,
            "description": "実際に購入したいと思うか"
    "qualitative_aspects": [

def run_virtual_evaluation():
    # 評価システムの初期化
    # context_textを追加して初期化
    factory = TinyPersonFactory(context_text="""
    - 年齢、性別、職業などの基本的な属性
    - 生活環境や家族構成
    - 趣味や関心事
    - 消費行動や価値観
    - メディア接触状況
    # ペルソナの生成
    personas = []
    for persona_def in persona_definitions:
        person = factory.generate_person(persona_def["description"])
        for key, value in persona_def["details"].items():
            person.define(key, value)
    # 評価環境の設定
    world = TinyWorld("Advertisement Evaluation", personas)
    # 評価プロンプトの作成
    evaluation_prompt = f"""

    {chr(10).join('- ' + point for point in ad_content['selling_points'])}

    1. 第一印象(5段階)
    2. 製品への興味(5段階)
    3. 価格の妥当性(5段階)
    4. 購入意向(5段階)
    - 最も魅力的に感じた点
    - 気になる懸念点
    - 改善提案
    # 各ペルソナに評価を依頼
    for persona in personas:
    # シミュレーション実行
    # 結果の抽出
    extractor = ResultsExtractor()
    results = extractor.extract_results_from_world(
                           "1. 各評価者の評点(第一印象、興味度、価格妥当性、購入意向)\n"
                           "2. 最も魅力的だと感じられた点\n"
                           "3. 懸念点\n"
                           "4. 改善提案",
            "ratings": "各評価者の5段階評価",
            "attractive_points": "魅力的だと感じられた点",
            "concerns": "懸念点",
            "improvements": "改善提案"
    return results

if __name__ == "__main__":
    results = run_virtual_evaluation()
    print("\n=== 評価結果 ===")
    print(json.dumps(results, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

DISCLAIMER: TinyTroupe relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to generate content. 
The AI models are not perfect and may produce inappropriate or inacurate results. 
For any serious or consequential use, please review the generated content before using it.

Looking for default config on: /content/TinyTroupe/tinytroupe/config.ini
Failed to find custom config on: /content/TinyTroupe/config.ini
Will use only default values. IF THINGS FAIL, TRY CUSTOMIZING MODEL, API TYPE, etc.

Current TinyTroupe configuration 
api_type = openai
azure_api_version = 2023-05-15
model = gpt-4o
max_tokens = 4000
temperature = 0.3
freq_penalty = 0.0
presence_penalty = 0.0
timeout = 60
max_attempts = 5
waiting_time = 1
exponential_backoff_factor = 5
embedding_model = text-embedding-3-small
cache_api_calls = False
cache_file_name = openai_api_cache.pickle
max_content_display_length = 1024

rai_harmful_content_prevention = True
rai_copyright_infringement_prevention = True

loglevel = ERROR

          >      以下の広告を評価してください:      【製品名】HealthWatch Pro     
          > 【説明】     新登場のHealthWatch Proは、最新のAIテクノロジーを搭載した     
          > あなたの健康状態を24時間モニタリング。          
          > 正確に計測。さらに、スマートフォンとの連携で、LINEやメールの     通知もシームレスに確認できます。
          > バッテリーは1回の充電で最大7日間持続。防水機能付きで、     水泳時も使用可能です。          
【価格】32,800円     【主な特徴】     -
          > 24時間健康モニタリング - 20種類以上のスポーツモード - 7日間連続使用可能なバッテリー - 防水機能搭載 - 
          > あなたの視点で以下の点を評価してください:     1. 第一印象(5段階)     2. 製品への興味(5段階)     3.
価格の妥当性(5段階)     4.
          > 購入意向(5段階)          また、以下の点についても具体的に言及してください:     - 
最も魅力的に感じた点     - 気になる懸念点     - 改善提案
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [THINK] 
          > I need to evaluate the advertisement for HealthWatch Pro based on the given criteria.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [THINK] 
          > I will start by evaluating the first impression of the HealthWatch Pro advertisement.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [THINK] 
          > I should provide a rating for the first impression of the advertisement.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > For the first impression of the HealthWatch Pro advertisement, I would rate it a 4 out
          > of 5. The advertisement is visually appealing and clearly communicates the product's
          > features.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > Regarding my interest in the product, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The features like
          > 24/7 health monitoring and water resistance are quite appealing.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > In terms of price fairness, I would rate it a 3 out of 5. While the features are
          > impressive, the price point of 32,800 yen might be a bit high for some consumers.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > For purchase intention, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The comprehensive health
          > monitoring features make it a desirable product for health-conscious individuals.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > The most attractive feature of the HealthWatch Pro is its 24/7 health monitoring
          > capability, which provides users with continuous insights into their health status.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > One concern is the price, which might be a barrier for some potential customers.
          > Additionally, ensuring the accuracy of the health data is crucial for user trust.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > As an improvement suggestion, consider offering a trial period or a more affordable
          > entry-level model to attract a wider audience.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [DONE] 

          >      以下の広告を評価してください:      【製品名】HealthWatch Pro     
          > 【説明】     新登場のHealthWatch Proは、最新のAIテクノロジーを搭載した     
          > あなたの健康状態を24時間モニタリング。          
          > 正確に計測。さらに、スマートフォンとの連携で、LINEやメールの     通知もシームレスに確認できます。
          > バッテリーは1回の充電で最大7日間持続。防水機能付きで、     水泳時も使用可能です。          
【価格】32,800円     【主な特徴】     -
          > 24時間健康モニタリング - 20種類以上のスポーツモード - 7日間連続使用可能なバッテリー - 防水機能搭載 - 
          > あなたの視点で以下の点を評価してください:     1. 第一印象(5段階)     2. 製品への興味(5段階)     3.
価格の妥当性(5段階)     4.
          > 購入意向(5段階)          また、以下の点についても具体的に言及してください:     - 
最も魅力的に感じた点     - 気になる懸念点     - 改善提案
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [THINK] 
           > The HealthWatch Pro advertisement seems to emphasize its comprehensive health
           > monitoring features, which could be appealing to athletes like me.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [TALK] 
           > 1. 第一印象: 4/5 - The HealthWatch Pro gives a strong first impression with its advanced AI
           > technology and comprehensive health monitoring features. 2. 製品への興味: 5/5 - As a sports
           > science student, I'm very interested in its ability to monitor various health metrics
           > and support over 20 sports modes. 3. 価格の妥当性: 3/5 - The price of 32,800 yen seems
           > reasonable for the features offered, but it might be a bit high for students. 4. 購入意向:
           > 4/5 - I would consider purchasing it due to its extensive features and benefits for
           > athletic performance.  最も魅力的に感じた点: The 24/7 health monitoring and the ability to track
           > over 20 types of sports activities are very appealing. 気になる懸念点: The price might be a
           > concern for students or those on a budget. 改善提案: Offering a student discount or a more
           > affordable version with essential features could attract more buyers.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [DONE] 

          >      以下の広告を評価してください:      【製品名】HealthWatch Pro     
          > 【説明】     新登場のHealthWatch Proは、最新のAIテクノロジーを搭載した     
          > あなたの健康状態を24時間モニタリング。          
          > 正確に計測。さらに、スマートフォンとの連携で、LINEやメールの     通知もシームレスに確認できます。
          > バッテリーは1回の充電で最大7日間持続。防水機能付きで、     水泳時も使用可能です。          
【価格】32,800円     【主な特徴】     -
          > 24時間健康モニタリング - 20種類以上のスポーツモード - 7日間連続使用可能なバッテリー - 防水機能搭載 - 
          > あなたの視点で以下の点を評価してください:     1. 第一印象(5段階)     2. 製品への興味(5段階)     3.
価格の妥当性(5段階)     4.
          > 購入意向(5段階)          また、以下の点についても具体的に言及してください:     - 
最も魅力的に感じた点     - 気になる懸念点     - 改善提案
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [THINK] 
            > The HealthWatch Pro advertisement seems to emphasize its comprehensive health
            > monitoring features and connectivity with smartphones.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [TALK] 
            > 1. First Impression: 4/5 - The advertisement is clear and highlights the key features
            > effectively. 2. Interest in Product: 4/5 - The health monitoring capabilities and
            > smartphone connectivity are appealing. 3. Price Reasonableness: 3/5 - The price seems
            > a bit high, but it might be justified by the features offered. 4. Purchase Intention:
            > 3/5 - I am somewhat interested, but would like to compare it with similar products.
            > Most Attractive Point: The 24/7 health monitoring and the variety of sports modes are
            > very appealing. Concerns: The price is a bit high, and I wonder about the accuracy of
            > the health data. Improvement Suggestion: Offering a trial period or a more detailed
            > comparison with competitors could be beneficial.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [DONE] 

────────────────────────────────────── Advertisement Evaluation step 1 of 2 ───────────────────────────────────────
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [DONE] 

Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > For the first impression of the HealthWatch Pro advertisement, I would rate it a 4 out
          > of 5. The advertisement is visually appealing and clearly communicates the product's
          > features.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > For the first impression of the HealthWatch Pro advertisement, I would rate it a 4 out
          > of 5. The advertisement is visually appealing and clearly communicates the product's
          > features.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > Regarding my interest in the product, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The features like
          > 24/7 health monitoring and water resistance are quite appealing.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > Regarding my interest in the product, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The features like
          > 24/7 health monitoring and water resistance are quite appealing.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > In terms of price fairness, I would rate it a 3 out of 5. While the features are
          > impressive, the price point of 32,800 yen might be a bit high for some consumers.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > In terms of price fairness, I would rate it a 3 out of 5. While the features are
          > impressive, the price point of 32,800 yen might be a bit high for some consumers.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > For purchase intention, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The comprehensive health
          > monitoring features make it a desirable product for health-conscious individuals.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > For purchase intention, I would rate it a 4 out of 5. The comprehensive health
          > monitoring features make it a desirable product for health-conscious individuals.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > The most attractive feature of the HealthWatch Pro is its 24/7 health monitoring
          > capability, which provides users with continuous insights into their health status.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > The most attractive feature of the HealthWatch Pro is its 24/7 health monitoring
          > capability, which provides users with continuous insights into their health status.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > One concern is the price, which might be a barrier for some potential customers.
          > Additionally, ensuring the accuracy of the health data is crucial for user trust.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > One concern is the price, which might be a barrier for some potential customers.
          > Additionally, ensuring the accuracy of the health data is crucial for user trust.
Yuki --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
          > As an improvement suggestion, consider offering a trial period or a more affordable
          > entry-level model to attract a wider audience.
Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > As an improvement suggestion, consider offering a trial period or a more affordable
          > entry-level model to attract a wider audience.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [THINK] 
           > Yuki's feedback on the HealthWatch Pro aligns with my own thoughts. The 24/7 health
           > monitoring is a standout feature, but the price could be a concern for some.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [TALK] 
           > I agree with your assessment, Yuki. The HealthWatch Pro's continuous health monitoring
           > is indeed a strong feature, and addressing the price concern with options like a trial
           > period or a more affordable model could make it more accessible.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [DONE] 

Kenta --> Yuki: [CONVERSATION] 
           > 1. 第一印象: 4/5 - The HealthWatch Pro gives a strong first impression with its advanced AI
           > technology and comprehensive health monitoring features. 2. 製品への興味: 5/5 - As a sports
           > science student, I'm very interested in its ability to monitor various health metrics
           > and support over 20 sports modes. 3. 価格の妥当性: 3/5 - The price of 32,800 yen seems
           > reasonable for the features offered, but it might be a bit high for students. 4. 購入意向:
           > 4/5 - I would consider purchasing it due to its extensive features and benefits for
           > athletic performance.  最も魅力的に感じた点: The 24/7 health monitoring and the ability to track
           > over 20 types of sports activities are very appealing. 気になる懸念点: The price might be a
           > concern for students or those on a budget. 改善提案: Offering a student discount or a more
           > affordable version with essential features could attract more buyers.
Kenta --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
           > 1. 第一印象: 4/5 - The HealthWatch Pro gives a strong first impression with its advanced AI
           > technology and comprehensive health monitoring features. 2. 製品への興味: 5/5 - As a sports
           > science student, I'm very interested in its ability to monitor various health metrics
           > and support over 20 sports modes. 3. 価格の妥当性: 3/5 - The price of 32,800 yen seems
           > reasonable for the features offered, but it might be a bit high for students. 4. 購入意向:
           > 4/5 - I would consider purchasing it due to its extensive features and benefits for
           > athletic performance.  最も魅力的に感じた点: The 24/7 health monitoring and the ability to track
           > over 20 types of sports activities are very appealing. 気になる懸念点: The price might be a
           > concern for students or those on a budget. 改善提案: Offering a student discount or a more
           > affordable version with essential features could attract more buyers.
Kenta --> Yuki: [CONVERSATION] 
           > I agree with your assessment, Yuki. The HealthWatch Pro's continuous health monitoring
           > is indeed a strong feature, and addressing the price concern with options like a trial
           > period or a more affordable model could make it more accessible.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [THINK] 
            > Both Yuki and Kenta have provided valuable insights into the HealthWatch Pro
            > advertisement. They both appreciate the health monitoring features but have concerns
            > about the price.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [TALK] 
            > Thank you, Yuki and Kenta, for sharing your thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It seems
            > like the 24/7 health monitoring and sports tracking features are quite appealing to
            > both of you. However, the price is a common concern. Offering a trial period or
            > discounts could indeed make it more accessible.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [DONE] 

Miyako --> Yuki: [CONVERSATION] 
            > 1. First Impression: 4/5 - The advertisement is clear and highlights the key features
            > effectively. 2. Interest in Product: 4/5 - The health monitoring capabilities and
            > smartphone connectivity are appealing. 3. Price Reasonableness: 3/5 - The price seems
            > a bit high, but it might be justified by the features offered. 4. Purchase Intention:
            > 3/5 - I am somewhat interested, but would like to compare it with similar products.
            > Most Attractive Point: The 24/7 health monitoring and the variety of sports modes are
            > very appealing. Concerns: The price is a bit high, and I wonder about the accuracy of
            > the health data. Improvement Suggestion: Offering a trial period or a more detailed
            > comparison with competitors could be beneficial.
Miyako --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
            > 1. First Impression: 4/5 - The advertisement is clear and highlights the key features
            > effectively. 2. Interest in Product: 4/5 - The health monitoring capabilities and
            > smartphone connectivity are appealing. 3. Price Reasonableness: 3/5 - The price seems
            > a bit high, but it might be justified by the features offered. 4. Purchase Intention:
            > 3/5 - I am somewhat interested, but would like to compare it with similar products.
            > Most Attractive Point: The 24/7 health monitoring and the variety of sports modes are
            > very appealing. Concerns: The price is a bit high, and I wonder about the accuracy of
            > the health data. Improvement Suggestion: Offering a trial period or a more detailed
            > comparison with competitors could be beneficial.
Miyako --> Yuki: [CONVERSATION] 
            > Thank you, Yuki and Kenta, for sharing your thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It seems
            > like the 24/7 health monitoring and sports tracking features are quite appealing to
            > both of you. However, the price is a common concern. Offering a trial period or
            > discounts could indeed make it more accessible.
Miyako --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
            > Thank you, Yuki and Kenta, for sharing your thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It seems
            > like the 24/7 health monitoring and sports tracking features are quite appealing to
            > both of you. However, the price is a common concern. Offering a trial period or
            > discounts could indeed make it more accessible.
────────────────────────────────────── Advertisement Evaluation step 2 of 2 ───────────────────────────────────────
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [TALK] 
          > Thank you, Miyako, for your input. It's great to see that the health monitoring and
          > sports tracking features are resonating well. Addressing the price concern with options
          > like a trial period or discounts could indeed enhance its appeal.
Yuki --> Yuki: [THOUGHT] 
          > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Yuki acts: [DONE] 

Yuki --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
          > Thank you, Miyako, for your input. It's great to see that the health monitoring and
          > sports tracking features are resonating well. Addressing the price concern with options
          > like a trial period or discounts could indeed enhance its appeal.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [THINK] 
           > Miyako's feedback also aligns with the common concerns and attractions we've discussed.
           > It's clear that the HealthWatch Pro has strong features, but the price is a significant
           > factor for potential buyers.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [TALK] 
           > Thanks for your input, Miyako. It seems we all agree that the HealthWatch Pro's
           > features are impressive, but the price is a hurdle. A trial period or discounts could
           > definitely help in making it more appealing to a wider audience.
Kenta --> Kenta: [THOUGHT] 
           > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Kenta acts: [DONE] 

Kenta --> Miyako: [CONVERSATION] 
           > Thanks for your input, Miyako. It seems we all agree that the HealthWatch Pro's
           > features are impressive, but the price is a hurdle. A trial period or discounts could
           > definitely help in making it more appealing to a wider audience.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [THINK] 
            > Yuki and Kenta both appreciate the feedback and agree on the potential improvements
            > for the HealthWatch Pro. It's good to see a consensus on the product's strengths and
            > areas for improvement.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [TALK] 
            > I'm glad we could all share our thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It's important to
            > consider both the appealing features and the potential barriers like pricing.
            > Hopefully, the feedback can help in making the product more accessible and attractive
            > to a broader audience.
Miyako --> Miyako: [THOUGHT] 
            > I will now act a bit, and then issue DONE.
Miyako acts: [DONE] 

Miyako --> Yuki: [CONVERSATION] 
            > I'm glad we could all share our thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It's important to
            > consider both the appealing features and the potential barriers like pricing.
            > Hopefully, the feedback can help in making the product more accessible and attractive
            > to a broader audience.
Miyako --> Kenta: [CONVERSATION] 
            > I'm glad we could all share our thoughts on the HealthWatch Pro. It's important to
            > consider both the appealing features and the potential barriers like pricing.
            > Hopefully, the feedback can help in making the product more accessible and attractive
            > to a broader audience.
Extraction raw result message: {'content': '```json\n[\n    {\n        "ratings": {\n            "第一印象": "4/5",\n            "製品への興味": "4/5",\n            "価格の妥当性": "3/5",\n            "購入意向": "4/5"\n        },\n        "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring capability",\n        "concerns": "Price might be a barrier for some potential customers. Ensuring the accuracy of the health data is crucial for user trust.",\n        "improvements": "Consider offering a trial period or a more affordable entry-level model to attract a wider audience."\n    },\n    {\n        "ratings": {\n            "第一印象": "4/5",\n            "製品への興味": "5/5",\n            "価格の妥当性": "3/5",\n            "購入意向": "4/5"\n        },\n        "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring and the ability to track over 20 types of sports activities",\n        "concerns": "The price might be a concern for students or those on a budget.",\n        "improvements": "Offering a student discount or a more affordable version with essential features could attract more buyers."\n    },\n    {\n        "ratings": {\n            "第一印象": "4/5",\n            "製品への興味": "4/5",\n            "価格の妥当性": "3/5",\n            "購入意向": "3/5"\n        },\n        "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring and the variety of sports modes",\n        "concerns": "The price is a bit high, and I wonder about the accuracy of the health data.",\n        "improvements": "Offering a trial period or a more detailed comparison with competitors could be beneficial."\n    }\n]\n```', 'refusal': None, 'role': 'assistant'}

=== 評価結果 ===
    "ratings": {
      "第一印象": "4/5",
      "製品への興味": "4/5",
      "価格の妥当性": "3/5",
      "購入意向": "4/5"
    "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring capability",
    "concerns": "Price might be a barrier for some potential customers. Ensuring the accuracy of the health data is crucial for user trust.",
    "improvements": "Consider offering a trial period or a more affordable entry-level model to attract a wider audience."
    "ratings": {
      "第一印象": "4/5",
      "製品への興味": "5/5",
      "価格の妥当性": "3/5",
      "購入意向": "4/5"
    "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring and the ability to track over 20 types of sports activities",
    "concerns": "The price might be a concern for students or those on a budget.",
    "improvements": "Offering a student discount or a more affordable version with essential features could attract more buyers."
    "ratings": {
      "第一印象": "4/5",
      "製品への興味": "4/5",
      "価格の妥当性": "3/5",
      "購入意向": "3/5"
    "attractive_points": "24/7 health monitoring and the variety of sports modes",
    "concerns": "The price is a bit high, and I wonder about the accuracy of the health data.",
    "improvements": "Offering a trial period or a more detailed comparison with competitors could be beneficial."


  1. 全体的な評価の傾向
  • 第一印象:全員が4/5と評価 → 広告のメッセージと製品説明が効果的
  • 製品への興味:4-5/5 → 特にスポーツや健康に関心の高い層で高評価
  • 価格の妥当性:全員が3/5 → 価格に関する懸念が共通
  • 購入意向:3-4/5 → 機能は魅力的だが、価格が購入の障壁に
  1. 主な魅力的なポイント
  • 全評価者が「24/7健康モニタリング」を評価
  • スポーツモードの多様性が高評価
  • 継続的な健康管理機能が評価のポイント
  1. 共通の懸念事項
  • 価格(32,800円)が主な障壁
  • 健康データの正確性への不安
  • 学生など予算の限られた層には手が届きにくい
  1. 共通して提案された解決策
  • 試用期間の提供
  • より手頃な価格の基本モデルの提供
  • 学生割引などの検討
  • 競合製品との比較情報の提供
  1. ペルソナ別の特徴的な反応
  • 1人目:バランスの取れた評価、一般消費者的な視点での分析
  • 2人目:スポーツ関連機能への高い関心(製品への興味が5/5)、学生の視点からの価格懸念
  • 3人目:より慎重な評価(購入意向3/5)、競合製品との比較を重視
  1. マーケティングへの示唆
  • 複数の価格帯の製品ライン展開
  • 学生向け特別プログラムの検討
  • 試用プログラムの導入

  • 健康モニタリングの精度に関する情報提供
  • スポーツモードの詳細な説明
  • 競合製品との比較情報の提供

  • スポーツ愛好家向けの専門機能のアピール
  • 一般ユーザー向けの基本的な健康管理機能の強調
  • 学生向けの特別プログラムの開発




persona_definitions = [
        "description": "ターゲット層1",
        "details": {
            "age": 25,  # 必須
            "gender": "任意",  # オプション
            "occupation": "職業",  # 必須
            "income": "年収",  # 推奨
            "location": "居住地",  # オプション
            "family_structure": "家族構成",  # オプション
            "traits": [  # 推奨
            "interests": [  # 推奨
            "pain_points": [  # 推奨
            "media_consumption": {  # オプション
                "preferred_channels": ["SNS", "TV", "Web"],
                "usage_frequency": "利用頻度"
            "purchase_behavior": {  # オプション
                "price_sensitivity": "価格感度",
                "decision_factors": ["要因1", "要因2"]
    # 追加のペルソナ定義...
# 広告コンテンツの定義例
ad_content = {
    "product_name": "製品名を入力",  # 必須
    "title": "広告タイトル",  # 必須
    "description": """
    """,  # 必須
    "price": "価格を入力",  # 必須
    "target_audience": "ターゲット層", # オプション
    "selling_points": [  # 推奨
    "media_type": "掲載メディア(SNS/TV/Web等)", # オプション
    "campaign_duration": "キャンペーン期間", # オプション



本記事では、MicrosoftがリリースしたTinyTroupeについて詳しく解説をしました。GPUメモリがかからないのでgoogle colaboratoryでの実装も楽に行えます。







・サーバーやAI PCを活用したオンプレでの生成AI活用









  • 翔平

    総合病院で10年間理学療法士として勤務し、患者のリハビリテーション支援に従事。その後、Pythonを独学で学び、データ分析のスキルを活かしてデータアナリストに転身。 データ分析の知見を活かし、主にテクニカル記事を担当。趣味はキックボクシング。

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